Information for EETS providers

Read this page in Dutch

As an EETS provider, you can be admitted to the EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge to collect tolls from holders and to pay this toll to the toll charger. RDW is the toll charger on behalf of the Ministry of Infrastructure and Water Management.

PLEASE NOTE: Corresponding documents, such as the formats mentioned on page 15 of the Dutch version of the EDS, will be made available online at a later time than the EDS itself.

Preliminary planning

  • Publication EETS domain statement (EDS): first week of April
  • Expressing interest: after publication of the EDS
  • Bilateral meetings: May 27th, 2024 - June 14th, 2024
  • Possibility to start accreditation: from October 1st, 2024
  • Start of heavy goods vehicle charge: in 2026

EETS Domain Statement Heavy goods vehicle charge

You can be admitted as an EETS provider if you meet all the conditions set out in the EETS Domain statement (EDS) heavy goods vehicle charge (non-binding English translation). 

Q&A: EETS Domain Statement Heavy goods vehicle charge

At the bottom of this page is a form through which you can ask questions. We try to answer these questions weekly. Periodically we will publish a document on the page with the questions asked and the answers. If they are case-specific questions, we will answer them one-on-one.

Bilateral meetings

The EETS Providers have the possibility to engage in bilateral meetings. These meetings last 2.5 hours and are intended to provide information and clarification to the EETS Providers. The first meetings took place in the period from the 27th of May until the 14th of June. EETS Providers that did not have a first bilateral meeting during this period and/or EETS Providers that did have a first bilateral meeting but wish to engage a follow-up meeting can send an email to

What is the EETS domain statement heavy goods vehicle charge?

On the basis of European and Dutch laws and regulations, the EETS Domain Statement (EDS) heavy goods vehicle charge is the document containing all the conditions that EETS providers must meet in order to be admitted to a so-called EETS domain. The EETS domain statement heavy goods vehicle charge also includes the model for the EETS agreement concluded between the toll charger and an EETS provider for toll services in the heavy goods vehicle charge EETS domain. The process of admitting EETS providers is also known as accreditation. Accreditation is necessary for:

  • Being able to offer toll services in EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge.
  • Concluding service provision agreements with holders.
  • Collecting the heavy goods vehicle charge from holders for passages within the EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge on the basis of a service provision agreement and remitting it to the toll charger (RDW).

EETS providers that have been admitted for service provision in the EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge are entitled to receive remuneration under European and Dutch laws and regulations. The amount and structure of this compensation are also part of the EETS domain statement for heavy goods vehicle charge.

Content EETS domain statement heavy goods vehicle charge

The EETS domain statement heavy goods vehicle charge consists of the following elements:

  • Part 1 General conditions
    Provisions on, among other things, communication between the toll charger and the EETS provider, data protection, confidentiality, liability, indemnification, and termination of the EETS contract.
  • Part 2 Procedural conditions
    The prescribed level of service provision by the EETS providers and the commercial conditions, such as the fees to be paid to the EETS providers by the toll charger.
  • Part 3 Accreditation
    To gain access to the EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge, an EETS provider must be accredited. This section sets out accreditation and the requirements for obtaining the accreditation certificate.
  • Part 4 Toll context data
    The information and conditions established by the toll charger that must be taken into account in determining the amount of the heavy goods vehicle charge and completing the toll transaction.

Application process for accreditation

For accreditation, you follow the steps below. The indicative lead time for those steps together is 12 months.

Application process for accreditation
Step What Who
Expressing interest
  1. Candidate-EETS provider expresses interest via the website
  2. Interest interview with toll charger.
  3. Candidate-EETS provider submits signed confidentiality agreement to toll charger to receive the Practical Information Accreditation Tests (PIAT).
  4. Toll charger sends the PIAT to applicant EETS provider via a secure environment.
Candidate-EETS provider and toll charger
Accreditation application

Register for accreditation via the toll charger's website, submitting:

  1. Proof of registration as an EETS provider.
  2. Concept service provision plan.
  3. An agreement with article 44 of this EETS domain statement.
  4. Contact details.
Candidate-EETS provider
Review completeness of accreditation application
  1. Assessment of completeness of application.
  2. Acknowledgement of receipt of complete application or request for addition to application.
  3. Sending invitation for EETS contract interview.
Toll charger
Start accreditation
  1. Toll charger assesses concept service provision plan (including test plan) and verifies proof of EETS registration.
    1. Toll charger sends customized concept EETS contract to candidate-EETS provider;
  2. Interview to discuss EETS contract.
  3. Candidate-EETS provider submits final service provision plan.
  4. Toll charger reviews final service provision plan for completeness.
Candidate-EETS provider and toll charger
Signing of EETS contract Signing of EETS contract signing and entry into force of EETS contract, subject to provisions regarding access to the EETS domain and service provision. start of EETS contract accreditation phase. Candidate-EETS provider and toll charger
Test process The candidate-EETS provider pays the cost of accreditation, submits a test plan and completes the test process. Candidate-EETS provider and toll charger
Completion of accreditation
  1. Receipt of accreditation certificate.
  2. Establishment of truck toll bank guarantee.
Candidate-EETS provider
Access to the EETS-domain heavy goods vehicle charge
  1. Entry into force of EETS contract and EETS domain statement provisions regarding access and service provision.
  2. EETS provider gains access to the EETS domain heavy goods vehicle charge.
  3. start of EETS contract service provision phase.


More formats needed will be published in a later stage.

Laws and regulations

On this page, you will find the relevant laws and regulations within the EETS domain Heavy goods vehicle charge. A number of publications and official announcements can be found via these links:

Presentations and reports

This page contains presentations and reports from information meetings for interested parties for the role of EETS provider.


  • Telephone contact: +31(0)598 69 2400. We can be reached by telephone from Monday to Friday from 8 a.m. to 5 p.m.
  • Email: use the contact form on this page. You will receive an answer from us by email.


Make sure you enter a valid e-mail address
Information about the processing of your personal data

We process your personal data for toll collection purposes, as you provide these details to us. Below is an overview of the personal data we process: - Company name - initial(s) and last name - email address - Phone number (if provided)

Statement of agreement(verplicht)

* The information provided on this website, both in Dutch and in English, is solely intended for informational purposes. No rights can be derived from it. In case of contradictions or any other discrepancies, the Dutch text of the EETS domain statement heavy goods vehicle charge will always prevail.